Irving Sekyere, a senior at Pace High School, is mainly focused on furthering his intellect and striving to achieve academic excellence. His favorite candy is Starbursts.
Fundraisers have been a part of Pace’s efforts to raise money for school spirit. They often happen at least once a month whether it's held by Student Government Organization or other clubs and sports.
Ms. Frazier is a paraprofessional who works with individual students. She’s been at Pace since the pandemic in the fall of 2021. She was working in the building during the year of remote and hybrid learning.
During the month of February, Pace’s leadership team consisting of parent, student, teacher and administration representatives, approved the implementation of the Yondr pouch system that stores phones away until the end of the school day. This system will be starting next year.
Students will be given Yondr pouches at the start of the school day to place their cellular devices into to be locked. At the end of the day, the Yondr pouches will be unsealed.