Brandy is good at finding an interesting story that should be read by everyone! She enjoys creating intriguing social media posts on the Pacer account that engage you to check out the latest articles.
Weather's Cold, What Trends Are Hot?
Furry Uggs, vests, and Nike techs. What is your go-to outfit for a chilly winter day? As the weather changes, so does our style, but what can you wear to look...
The office is a place that keeps our school under control. In that crew, there is Ms. Nunez, who does more than most students know. Her job description is not the only interesting thing about her. Here’s...
Locker assignments have been delayed due to Covid, according to Mr. Chong. However, many students have taken it upon themselves to put their belongings in a locker. A few ninth and tenth graders found empty lockers and just moved in.