William Chen works at a rolled ice cream shop in Chinatown. He lives close to the shop and is a senior.
This interview has been edited and condensed.
What’s your job?
I am an employee at Minus Celsius Ice Cream.
Can you describe what you do?
I open the gate, then I plug in the wires. I prepare for the day. I cut the fruits, and I refill the toppings. When a customer comes in, I turn on the machine and I measure in my head two thirds of a cup. That’s how much cream is used for an ice cream. I make the ice cream the way that they prefer and then I put the toppings they ask for. But if they get bubble tea, then I pour 200 milligrams of tea and put a scoop of powder, depending on what they ordered. I then put it in the shaker to mix it up.

How many hours do you work?
I work eight hours a week.
Do you think you’ve gained more independence after getting the job?
Yes, because I work by myself and I don’t mind.
If you had an opportunity to leave the shop for another one, would you leave the shop?
Probably if it had better stuff.
What’s your least favorite thing about the job?
My least favorite thing about this job is making the boba, because it’s really time-sensitive. And if I mess up, it’s not going to be good. And I make it for the rest of the day.
Is there like a technique to throw the ice cream or is it just put on the metal?
It’s the way you hold the spatula that can make it easier or harder depending on how you hold it.
How did you get the job?
I applied for SYEP. They thought I did a good job, so they hired me.
You live right next to the ice cream shop. Was that a factor in your decision to work there?
Yeah, it was close to a school, so easy to get to, and it was close to home. And if they needed my help, I could help them.