As we enter the second semester, the Climate Change Justice Club is making their comeback. Seniors, Kata Borg and Fruzsiana Farkas, leaders of the club say they have many plans they’d like to tend to in the following months.
Last semester, the club believes they didn’t meet the expectations they put out. Members wanted to create a way where students and staff members could use their voice as a way to help promote issues for certain problems, but don’t believe they’ve accomplished that just yet.
Borg has stated that she has a hard time sometimes with climate advocacy as a high schooler. She has limited time and energy to put into her extracurriculars as she has to stay on top of school, and make time for the environment.
Though she has a lot on her plate, Borg anticipates a reduction in our school’s paper waste. She believes that if the school leaned more towards electronics and had a News Board, then people could use that as reference rather than all the clubs constantly using paper for promotion.
Farkas has mentioned that they started this club due to a night out conversing about Climate Change and how they wish they could do more to help the environment. They believe that there is an extreme lack of environmental awareness at Pace.
Carelessness like throwing trash into bushes and the floor, and consistent usage of single-use plastics during lunch. This made them want to brainstorm ways they could help. They considered how dirty the neighborhood around the school is and decided to take action.

They soon created a small group of people willing to help and created a game. The first to collect the most trash in 30 minutes wins. They felt very relieved to see a cleaner environment and got lots of thanks and appreciation for cleaning up.
The Climate Change Justice Club strives to reduce plastic waste, by turning containers and cups into plant holders and finding endangered native plants to put them into those plant holders to help continue their existence.
This club wants to reintroduce almost extinct plants back into their native homes so that they’re at a lower risk of extinction. On February 25, the club painted and decorated pots to create homes for plants. They plan to gift these pot holders to teachers and advisors to grow plants indoors.
Borg and Farkas have been looking more into Climate Change Stories, The Green Pledge, speeches and creating their own stories on how the climate crisis is affecting all of us currently. As a reintroduced club, they want to try and organize a game night where the Pace community competes to win a Pace water bottle.
They do this to help those who do not already own a reusable water bottle and to reduce plastic waste. This club plans to advocate for climate change by creating games to get Pace community interested. They also plan to go into classrooms and check for proper recycling bins along with correct signs so people know.
As Americans, we have a tendency to overbuy and over-produce which results in more waste. The club thinks that if we, as individuals, were to buy less, we can decrease all types of waste overtime. As a school, we can do more like turning off unneeded lights, fixing radiators, and using more paper over plastic to try to become more sustainable.
Climate Change Club is here and wanting to make a comeback as we finish out the year.