Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
“Heartstopper” is a LGBTQ+ British series on Netflix about a romantic relationship between two teenage boys, Nick and Charlie, who live in the United Kingdom, Herne Bay, Kent. Throughout Season 3, Charlie starts to experience his eating disorder more and more. He has trouble opening up to Nick and telling him how he really feels without getting embarrassed or rejected.
In Season 1, Nick and Charlie were in a secret relationship due to the fact that Nick was a DL (down-low) because of his homophobic and nasty soccer teammates. Over time, Nick and Charlie start to become closer and closer and more public about their relationship. However, this leads to negative comments from people their age.
In Season 2, things start to become progressively better because Nick and Charlie become more public at home and school. This brings more attention and popularity along with support. I actually enjoyed this season along with the fact that Tara and Darcy got more screen time as an on-going lesbian couple.
Season 3 really made my heart stop due to the fact that everyone in Charlie’s friend group is having their own problems and suffering badly. None of them are really opening up about it, especially Elle and her interview where they kept making her uncomfortable. They asked about painful discrimination against transgender women, justifying that transgender women often get beaten in public due to homophobia in the United Kingdom. Along with the fact that they’ve pressured her into asking about her very personal life.
The new season opens a whole new chapter about the effects an eating disorder can have on someone. What’s most troubling is the fact that Charlie was diagnosed with an eating disorder after being bullied by Nick’s old homophobic friends along with Charlie’s ex-boyfriend, Ben Hope.
Overall, “Heartstopper” is a great show to watch on Netflix about letting each other go. Along with the fact that Elle, a transgender actor, showed not only her TV-show character traits but also her reality character traits. Ever since Season 1, I’ve fallen in love with the show. This show gave me good directions on how to be a better and quieter version of myself. This show gives all LGBTQ+ people a good sense of humor and it sheds light on people who are experiencing an eating disorder.