Ms. Ranson is a significant member of the school staff located in the front of the main office. She handles a lot of the school’s responsibility to help keep it in order. However, she may be slightly strict at times, Ms. Ranson has high expectations for each student. In her eyes, she only wants the best for each and every student.
This interview has been edited and condensed.
What is your position at Pace?
I am the parent coordinator here at Pace High School. I’ve been here for almost nine years, and I’ve had this position for approximately 18 years.
Do you enjoy working at Pace?
I really do. This is a great place. It’s a feeling of community. It’s not just my coworkers, but I actually have a few friends here. I love working with the students. Every day is a different challenge, and I love working with the families.
Did you have a job before working at Pace?
I absolutely did. I was the accounts payable manager at Renaissance Marriott Hotels. I have a degree in hotel management, and I [had] worked there for approximately 10 years, and they’re on 7th Avenue and 47th Street.
With what you do at Pace, do you think that you make an impact at the school?
I’ve been told I do. I don’t like to toot my own horn, but, toot, toot. Yes. I’ve been told that I’ve helped shape a lot of lives and, when I am out, because I may have an appointment, kids will come and ask for me. I get a chance to help kids get ready for the outside world, and I get a chance to work with parents in order to help them understand their teams a little bit better, along with some of the issues they may have.
What gets you motivated to come to work? Or what makes you feel passionate about this school?
Being able to shape a life, being able to change a life, being able to use some of the things that I’ve learned in my 56 years on this Earth to do things in a better way, not to have to struggle. So, the things that I’ve learned are [to] always make eye contact with someone. A firm handshake. You have eight seconds to come and talk about who you are. So, when the kids are ready to interview, they’re coming in. And to help them to build confidence and to grow. And the same thing with the parents. And they have seen their child grow from a ninth grader to a solid 12th grader. And they are excited and they didn’t think that it could happen. So, my motivation is just the end result of watching a student grow into who they were supposed to be, helping them to show off their gifts and talents.
What do you enjoy about working at Pace with the students or like, what are some things that you’ve seen while working at Pace?
Oh, man. I’ve seen kids get Posse scholarships. I’ve seen kids go up on that stage and sing out their heart for another kid.
Didn’t even speak to people and break out of their shyness. I’ve seen kids go on international trips that we hold here at Pace and come back and say it changed their life and they were able to have a new experience. So watching a kid, a student through their eyes and seeing them change it, it truly just makes my day. I only have one son who is 29, but here at Pace, I have all of you kids. I’ve had thousands and thousands of children in the last 18 years.
What is some advice that you think you can give to people who are going to be reading this in the future?
Be honest, be kind, be responsible, be prompt, ask questions, enjoy what you do, and never take no for an answer.