Ms. Kundik is a school nurse who helps students who are injured or ill. She helps students from Pace, Emma Lazarus and MS 131.
This interview has been edited and condensed.
What is your job as a school nurse?
As a school nurse my job is to provide medical care in case of emergencies, daily routine care.
Is it tough taking care of students?
I wouldn’t say it’s tough taking care of the students. It can be challenging to care for them. Students come with all different types of sicknesses so you have to be prepared to give them the treatment they need.
What do you do to help students that need assistance?
From a medical perspective, I try my best to treat students with their illnesses. The staff from all the schools try to assist the students with what they need. Guidance counselors and deans offer help to students. We are all a team that helps students have a good experience in school.
Do you enjoy taking care of the students?
Yes, I do enjoy taking care of the students. I’ve built relationships with some students and I think it’s a very rewarding position to have an effect on a students life at this time of their life where they are going through major changes.
Why did you choose to become a school nurse?
It just happened! I really enjoy working here. It’s really interesting to work with a different age group.
Is there anything you want admins to know about in order to make your job better?
I think everything is alright the way it is. We are able to complete our duties and achieve goals. However, it might take a long time but you’ll have to be patient because everything is achieved. The admins from all three schools help us nurses to obtain the supplies we need.
What do you like and dislike about being a school nurse?
I dislike coming to school super early and I’m sure many students can agree with this statement. However, I do enjoy working with my co-workers and students. I enjoy making a daily difference in someone else’s life.