Students Missing Credits and Admin Prepare for Summer School
As the school year comes to an end, some students start to realize that summer school could become a big possibility for them.
Summer school will be in session from July 6 through Aug 11. Students have to attend school Monday to Thursday, and depending on how many classes they have to make up will affect their schedule.
School doors will open at 8:00 in the morning. First period will be 8:30-10:30, second period will be 10:30-12:30, lunch will be 12:30-1:00, and the last period will be 1:00-3:00.
Students will be able to make up core classes such as English, social studies, science, math, and gym. No elective credits or language credits can be made up in summer school.
Regents exams, such as all three math exams, both U.S and global history, living environment, chemistry, earth science and English will be held August 16-17.
Important things to note for summer school: Metrocards will be given out the first day. Anything more than three unexcused absences will result in the student being dismissed from the summer school sessions. Students from all grades will be able to attend summer school, although the main priority will be for 11th and 12th grade.
Assistant Principal, Mr. Sowiski said, “Even if you’re missing one class credit, students should make it up during the summer because you never know what the next school year is going to be like.”
“Many seniors don’t graduate on time because they don’t want to take the measures, but summer school can help,” said Mr. Sowiski.
He also mentioned that many jobs are flexible with students’ summer education.
Priscilla Rodriguez, freshman, said, “Summer school is a good opportunity because it gives students a chance to pass school [graduate].”
Ms. Carter, an English teacher at Pace said, “Normally Pace shares summer school with ten other schools. Right now you are sitting in a class that has air conditioning. Other rooms don’t. It’s better to get over it during the summer. Every time you fail a class you extend your high school career.”
Despite the fact that summer school is perceived as a “bad thing,” it’s still important to go if you have to, even if it’s just to get it out of the way. This way you can graduate with all your friends and classmates on time.

Allison Licona is a senior7 at Pace High School. She is determined to make a change when it is needed. Although she isn’t the best writer, she makes...