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The Student News Site of Pace High School

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Seniors Will Celebrate Graduation at NYU

photo Pacer Staff
The 2023 graduation ceremony was held in two shifts in a tent set up in the yard next to the school building.

On Thurs. May 20, Pace’s High School graduating class is set to celebrate their commencement at New York University’s Skirball Center, marking a significant change from a tent on the handball courts where the past two graduations were held. This change is due to the student feedback and logistical challenges which prompted school administrators to seek a more fitting venue.

For the classes of 2022 and 2023, graduation ceremonies were held on the school’s handball courts, a necessary choice due to Covid-19 restrictions. These ceremonies were intimate and memorable, requiring dividing the graduating class in half to maintain the social distancing protocols. For a lot of people, the ceremony was their first physical gathering with classmates, which made it a bittersweet milestone.

Mr. .Sowiski, Assistant Principal, said, “Having graduation on campus was special in its way, but it just didn’t have the same celebratory feel,”

He also said, “Many students expressed that they missed the experience of graduating with all their peers together in one place.”

Responding to this feedback, the administration worked tirelessly to secure a location that could accommodate the entire class of 2024 and their families. The announcement of the new venue at NYU was met with enthusiasm from students during a town hall meeting.

“I remember the excitement in the room when we finally confirmed NYU as the venue,” Mr. Sowiski said. “The students were thrilled at the prospect of having their entire cohort together for this special day.”

Historically, Pace High School held its commencements at Pace University’s auditorium. However, ongoing construction has rendered that space unavailable for the foreseeable future, pushing the administration to find an alternative. NYU’s auditorium, known for hosting esteemed performers and events, was chosen for its capacity and prestigious atmosphere.

“I’m personally very excited about the new location,” Mr. Sowiski shared. “It’s a beautiful space, and although any new venue comes with its challenges, I believe it will make the event feel more special and memorable for everyone involved.”

Looking ahead, Pace High School plans to evaluate this year’s graduation experience and consider NYU for future ceremonies. Given that Pace University’s auditorium will remain under construction, NYU’s venue might continue to serve as the backdrop for upcoming graduations.

“We are hopeful that this year’s event will be a success and that we can continue to provide our students with a graduation venue that reflects the significance of their achievements,” Mr. Sowiski said.

As the class of 2024 prepares to say goodbye to their senior year, the anticipation builds for a graduation ceremony that promises to be both unifying and unforgettable, set at the iconic New York University.

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Leah Martinez
Leah Martinez, Reporter

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